Our Aims

Our Aims

BeTo Solutions Ltd. was established to provide a service for adults who require support and personal care in their own homes.  This is so that adults with learning disabilities can live as independently as possible and have their physical, learning, social and development needs met with an appropriate level of support.  Our main aims are:
  • To enable adults with learning disabilities to live locally in the same borough as their families
  • To provide a high quality, tailored and individualised approach to their learning and care needs
  • To maintain an appropriate level of parental involvement and monitoring of the level of care of their adults
  • To embed independent living, social and work skills of each person and to provide practical, progressive learning opportunities
  • To establish voice, choice and control for each adult in their own lives
  • To establish an appropriate and common sense approach in all choices made with reference to the adults’ best interests
These aims were developed by parents of learning disabled people from a desire to create a supported living service in permanent homes where they can live and continue their lifelong learning. 

It is and innovative approach where, working together with the local authority commissioning team, parents of people with learning disabilities use their extensive skills and experience to create the most suitable living arrangements for their adults. 

The model is that people will be able to access high quality, adapted and assured tenancies with a basic core care package and the option of coordinated additional support. This provides real choice in a socially fulfilling and enriching programme of life skill development and personalised, developmental activities individualised according to each person’s interests and abilities.  
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